School of System Change

We know that growing a global community of change agents is our best chance to accelerate a transition to a sustainable future. Want to know more?

Jean Boulton

Visiting Senior Research Fellow, University of Bath

Jean teaches, researches, consults and writes about the implications of ‘embracing complexity’ for living and working in an increasingly fast-changing, volatile, uncertain and interconnected world. She is a visiting fellow with both Bath and Cranfield Universities and a 2019 research fellow at Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Studies. She draws on her physics background to consider the implications of complexity theory for the natural and social world and has a keen interest in how these ideas connect with the philosophies of Buddhism and Daoism. 

Jean has been teaching at the School of System Change since its beginnings and brings both a groundedness to the theory and a strong sense of how to apply these ideas to create sustainable and systemic change in light of climate change, increasing social inequality and insecurity, and shifting political norms. She is in the process of writing a further book on process complexity.

“I find that the participants on the School programmes are really dedicated to wanting to make the world a more sustainable and equal place. They care and are open to new ideas and have a sense of both humility and agency. This makes the involvement for me a great pleasure and very rewarding.”