Global Director of Futures


As Global Director of Futures, I find inspiration in how shared narratives shape our collective response to the environmental and social challenges of the coming decades—whether positively or negatively. Over the past ten years, collaborating with Forum’s partners has shown me that futures and scenarios are not merely tools to assess organisational risks but also catalysts for imagining the transformative changes we urgently need. Futures thinking can cultivate deeper understanding, creativity, and collective agency for effective action, which will be crucial for navigating the challenges ahead.

With nearly two decades of experience, I have led teams in designing and implementing change programs aimed at achieving just and regenerative outcomes across diverse regions including South Asia, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and the United States. My expertise spans multiple sectors, including energy, food, and fast-moving consumer goods. I hold a Master of Business Administration in Sustainable Systems from Presidio College, a certificate in Sustainable Finance from Cambridge University, and a Certificate in Tropical Conservation, Restoration, and Sustainable Land Use from Yale Environmental Leadership Training Initiative (ELTI).

My dream project

My dream project tends to be the one I’m working on, but I believe the essential elements of any ideal project are the qualities of the team, the spirit of collaboration, and a shared sense of purpose.

What floats my boat outside of work?

Creative risk and outdoor adventures, interrupted by good wine, good food, and creating a ‘ruined table’ with good friends (a hat tip to Christopher Hitchens, but hold the cigarette smoke please).

Contact Ariel