Content Hub The COVID-19 crisis is having a devastating impact – both in terms of lives lost and economic disruption. At Forum for the Future, we believe that it would be tragic to go back to yesterday’s “business-as-usual”; moments of radical disruption like this provide unprecedented opportunities to reinvent the future. We are therefore calling for business, governments, civil society and communities to seize this moment in helping to deliver a more just, sustainable and resilient world. Read about our approach This page is a dedicated Forum for the Future content hub for all articles, analysis, tools, insights and systemic approaches related to COVID-19. TRAJECTORIES As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause widespread disruption around the world, how are we all responding, what are the implications for creating a sustainable future, and where exactly do we go from here. To find out more about the four emerging trajectories take a look at the new Future of Sustainability report, titled 'From System Shock to System Change - Time to Transform'. CORPORATE LEADERSHIP IN THE TIME OF CORONA A blog series in which Forum for the Future’s Founder Director, Jonathon Porritt, and Chief Executive, Dr Sally Uren, each explore different aspects of corporate leadership in addressing the coronavirus crisis. Do you want the good news? Or the bad? - Jonathon Porritt Time to transform: how are you harnessing disruption to drive lasting change? - Sally Uren A new dawn for nature-based solutions? - Sally Uren Build Back Fairer - and Healthier - Jonathon Porritt Time for business to find its voice, speak up and act for change - Sally Uren High Stakes for a Low Carbon Future - Jonathon Porritt Transform, Collapse or Disciplined Change? How businesses action will determine what happens next - Sally Uren Beyond COVID-19: Can Business Really ‘Build Back Better’? - Jonathon Porritt BLOGS AND ARTICLES Warning: More turbulence and disruption ahead Moving beyond lockdown doesn’t mean we are past disruption and unpredictability. James Payne, Associate Director of Transformational Strategies at Forum for the Future, weighs in on how businesses can better prepare for a turbulent decade. Navigating the transition to sustainability amidst new forces, positive and negativeCaroline Ashley, Global Director of System Change Programmes at Forum for the Future, examines the emergent positive and negative forces actively shaping the post-COVID-19 reality and reasserts the need for a just transition. Building the future of food during crisisAn analysis of how COVID-19 has exposed the strengths, as well as the fragilities and weaknesses in the food system, and how people and organisations operating in the food system are starting to respond to this immense challenge. From Lesley Mitchell, Associate Director of Sustainable Nutrition and Roberta Iley, Principal Change Designer. Growing our Future: Scaling Regenerative Agriculture in the United States Growing our Future: Building a Resilient and Regenerative Foundation for the Food System in the US Lesley Mitchell, Associate Director, Sustainable Nutrition, introduces the collaborative context, vision and roadmap outlined in Forum for the Future's latest report Growing our Future: Scaling Regenerative Agriculture in the US. Aviation: no going backJonathon Porritt, Founder Director of Forum for the Future, examines the COVID-19 shock to the aviation industry, and what that means not just for a sustainable future for airlines, but their survival. COVID-19 response: An open letter to global governments Dr Sally Uren pens an open letter to governments meeting w/c 27/04 to explore how to organise a green economic recovery, outlining a wish list of sustainability considerations that must be central to coronavirus recovery plans. How can we emerge from the crisis into a more resilient, sustainable future? An outline of Forum's programmatic approach in response to COVID-19, including an overview of upcoming events. Coronavirus Response: The green economy has regeneration at its core Green businesses can lead the recovery and also equip others to create a more sustainable future, argues Forum for the Future's Hannah Pathak (article originally published on From system shock to systems change: Why we need to transform commodity value chains (and what this means for cotton)A reflection piece on supply chains from Charlene Collison, Associate Director, Sustainable Value Chains and Livelihoods COVID-19: a dress rehearsal for the climate emergency? Sally Uren, Chief Executive, examines how the novel COVID-19 virus could help us prepare for necessary change and the likely disruptions in the next decade, as we urgently transform entire systems to achieve carbon neutrality. Turning up for work in post-COVID times The COVID-19 pandemic is a call for us to work together in new ways. This articles looks at how Forum is changing and what is needed to thrive in uncertainty. COVID-19: Building resilience for a changing world A note from our Chief Executive, Sally Uren, on the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and our response. DIARY OF DISCONTINUITY The Diary of Discontinuity, from our staff and our partners, examines the day-to-day experience of living in a COVID-19 discontinuity to support others in navigating this moment of massive change. And is intended to give us insight into the personal aspect of living the complexity of a shifting paradigm and help us learn, what it takes, and what it doesn’t, to achieve a more regenerative future. Contributions encouraged at [email protected] 22 June 2020: Not a black swan from Oriana Brine, Senior Strategist, Forum for the Future 5 June 2020: Relevant reading for the intersection between racism and the climate crisis 29 May 2020: Discomfort Food: seeing food industry labour clearly from Alisha Bhagat, Alisha Futurist and Senior Strategist, Forum for the Future Americas. 21 May 2020: It’s everyone’s problem: The plight of migrant workers in India from Hansika Singh, Principal Strategist, Forum India 19 May 2020: The elephant on the menu from Miriam Fathalla (external submission) 14 May 2020: The world that disappeared from Lucinda Thurmer, Content and Digital Communications Executive, Forum UK 7 May 2020: Our lives have changed. Will our mindsets change too? from Zoe Le Grand, Principal Partnership Manager, Forum UK 30 April 2020: Economy, inequality and my life as a new parent during COVID-19 from Rodrigo Bautista, Principal Change Designer, Forum Americas 17 April 2020: Why a diary of discontinuity? from Anna Warrington, Director, Forum India EVENTS We are currently organising a series of events designed to help our partners make sense of the change we are all experiencing, provide them with tools, insights and systemic approaches to help navigate the uncertainty of the status quo and the complexity of the decade ahead, and discover where to act for long-term success in the systems they are operating in. View all of our upcoming events You can view recordings from our recent webinars, including the Future of Sustainability launch events, on our YouTube channel Join our mailing list to receive all the latest news and insights from Forum for the Future straight to your inbox Sign up for our newsletter If you are concerned about COVID-19 and need further advice, seek information from your local government and health providers. Links to advice for our office locations are as follows: India, United Kingdom, United States, Singapore. Uncertainty and crises can be challenging for everyone, please also take care of your mental health during this time, with more information on actions you can take to do so here (from a UK source). Manage Cookie Preferences