Community Energy Coalition The vision for community energy in 2020 = Communities across the UK owning, generating and saving energy together for the benefit of all. The Community Energy Coalition (CEC) was formed in 2011 by some of the UK’s most influential and trusted institutions and charities such as the Church of England, the Women’s Institute (WI), the National Union of Students (NUS) and the National Trust. Our aim is to ignite an energy revolution which places communities at its heart and strives for a clean, affordable and secure energy system for all. We are achieving this by helping communities across the UK to own, generate and save energy together. The Community Energy Coalition believe that community energy can and should: 1. Enable all communities to collectively play a substantial role in meeting the UK’s carbon and renewables targets by saving energy and creating a secure, clean and affordable heat and electricity supply 2. Increase the scale of investment in renewable energy and energy saving and attract new individuals, communities and institutions to invest 3. Encourage people to act cooperatively to create sustainable communities and give everyone an equal opportunity to own and control shared assets democratically 4. Respect communities, the landscape and wildlife through genuine stakeholder involvement and management of natural assets for the benefit of current and future generations 5. Increase people’s awareness and support for renewable energy projects and encourage energy saving The Community Energy Coalition are committed to making this happen collectively by: 1. Promoting community energy with our members and wider stakeholders as a powerful voice 2. Sharing best practice and creating an evidence base for the value that community energy creates 3. Asking central, devolved and local Government to join us in dramatically scaling up community and co-operative energy by integrating support for the sector across all policies in a public, long term and stable way and ensuring communities have access to appropriate financial and capacity support More information In addition to our vision, the Community Energy Coalition has created a Manifesto for Community Energy which details what we called on the Government to do in support of community energy. If you're interested in getting involved, get in touch with Forum's Associate Director, Climate and Energy: Will Dawson Coalition Members Ashden Campaign to Protect Rural England Centre for Sustainable Energy The Church of England: Shrinking the Footprint Client Earth Communities for Renewables Communities and Climate Action Alliance Community Energy England Community Energy Scotland Ynni Cymunedol Cymry Community Energy Wales Consumer Focus The co-operative energy Co-operatives UK CLA: Country Land & Business Association Eden Project Energy 4AII Energy Saving Trust The Fermanagh Trust The FSE Group Fit for the Future Forum for the Future Friends of the Earth Friends of the Earth Scotland Green Square Groundwork Haringey London Borough Council IFEES: The Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences Low Carbon Communities Network Low Carbon Hub NEA: Action for Warm Homes National Farmers Union National Trust Naturesave Trust NUS: National Union of Students Leapfrog Ramblers Scene The Co-operative Transition Network The WI 1010uk *Please note this is an independent coalition, for which Forum for the Future act as convenor. Manage Cookie Preferences