This seven-point-roadmap which identifies the key actions that players across the agriculture supply chain – including farmers, businesses with agricultural supply chains, agribusinesses, non-profits, investors and financial services, research institutions, philanthropists and policy makers – must variably take to drive change and transform the industry to become regenerative:

  1. Create financial mechanisms and market structures that support regenerative outcomes
  2. Empower farmers to build coalitions at the grassroots level
  3. Shape policy to build a resilient agricultural economy
  4. Build and demonstrate the business case for regenerative practices
  5. Engage with consumers to increase demand for regenerative products
  6. Prioritize nutritional benefits to enable healthy diets
  7. Mobilize landowners to enable regenerative practices to mainstream.

All are underpinned by cross-sector and pre-competitive collaboration. The challenge is too great for any one organisation to tackle alone; working together to address systemic barriers, we just might.

Find out more about regenerative agriculture.